1. Please compress your dataset using TRSMAIN which can be downloaded
from: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/s390/mvs/tools/packlib/
2. Connect to our FTP site: testcase.boulder.ibm.com (or
USER: anonymous PASSWORD: your complete e-mail address
3. Specify BINary transfer mode for the compressed dataset.
4. Place the compressed dataset (not greater than 400 MB) in the
mvs/toibm directory using the put command.
When the transfer is complete, update the problem record with:
- file name(s) - please prefix the file name with your problem
number (eg. 1234x.dump1.terse)
- MVS dataset attributes (prior to compression) including LRECL,
RECFM, BLKSIZE, and Primary and Secondary space
* For Q's and A's on transferring documentation via FTP, see
* http://service.software.ibm.com/390.us/go?/mktdocs/support/HELP.HTM