Planet MVS Dave's MVS Freeware ISPF Edit Macros Show System Symbols |
is an ISPF edit macro that shows the system symbols on your
MVS version 5 system and higher. After you've edited a dataset
that has system symbols, you can use this edit macro to see how
they translate with the current (active) system symbols.
This package consists of an assembler program that calls the IBM program ASASYMBM and a REXX exec that performs the ISPF edit macro function. |
The sysplex name is &SYSPLEX The sysplex name is LOCAL The sysclone is &SYSCLONE The sysclone is 10 The sysname is &SYSNAME The sysname is CSW1 &DAY. &LDAY. 05 05 &HHMMSS. &LHHMMSS. 115131 115131 &HR. &LHR. 11 11 &JDAY. &LJDAY. 309 309 &MIN. &LMIN. 51 51 &MON. &LMON 11 11 &SEC. &LSEC. 32 32 &WDAY. &LWDAY. WED WED &YR2. &LYR2. 97 97 &YR4. &LYR4. 1997 1997 &YYMMDD. &LYYMMDD. 971105 971105 &JOBNAME. IBMUSER |
SYSDEF LPARNAME(CSW1) SYSCLONE(10) SYMDEF(&PSUFFIX.='10') /* PRODUCTION SUFFIX FOR PARMLIB */ SYMDEF(&SYSR2.='SYS1R4') /* SECOND SYSRES */Don't forget that for Disaster Recovery, you will need another way to set your local variables.