/* REXX | | Name: RexxVerA (based on David Alcock's RexxVer) | | Author: David Alcock | | Purpose: Show the Rexx version and environment information | and additional information on the Amiga using Regina Rexx | | Written: 26 January 1998 | | Change History: | - 09-FEB-1998 David Alcock | - Removed special code for TSO formatting of PARSE SOURCE | - Print execution date | - 05-OCT-1998 Rudy Kohut | - Show additional information about the Amiga */ say "ADDRESS() returns '"address()"'" say " " /*PARSE VERSION lang ver dated datem datey*/ PARSE VERSION lang version processor math_proc video_std video_freq say "VERSION: Lang("lang") Version("ver") Processor("processor") Coprocessor("math_proc") Video Standard("video_std") Video Freq.("video_freq")" say " " PARSE SOURCE type results called resolved extension host say "SOURCE: Type("type")" say " results("results") called("called") resolved("resolved")" say " extension("extension") host("host")" say " " say "Modified RexxVer executed on "translate(date(),'-',' ') say "Modified for Amiga ARexx Compatibility" exit 0