* Name: SAMPEC * Purpose: Quick and dirty code to show standard OS Eyecatchers * Logic: CSECTA (main csect) calls * -> CSECTB which calls * -> CSECTC which calls * -> CSECTD which ABENDs *------------------------------------------------------------------- YREGS , Equate registers CSECTA CSECT , * ** Standard O/S Eyecatcher * A_EC B A_ECL(0,R15) Branch past Eyecatcher DC AL1(A_ECE-A_ECV) Length of Eyecatcher A_ECV DC C'CSECTA - &SYSDATC &SYSTIME - ' DC C'Main CSECT in SAMPEC: Calls CSECTB' A_ECE EQU * DS 0H A_ECL EQU *-A_EC SPACE 2 *-Entry Housekeeping STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R12,R15 USING CSECTA,R12 LA R1,ARSA ST R1,8(,R13) ST R13,4(,R1) LR R13,R1 L R1,4(,R1) L R1,24(,R1) *- Call CSECTB L R15,=V(CSECTB) BALR R14,R15 *-Normally Exit housekeeping would be here LTORG , ARSA DS 18F DROP R12 *----------------------------------------------------------------- CSECTB CSECT , * ** Standard O/S Eyecatcher * B_EC B B_ECL(0,R15) Branch past Eyecatcher DC AL1(B_ECE-B_ECV) Length of Eyecatcher B_ECV DC C'CSECTB - &SYSDATC &SYSTIME - ' DC C'Calls CSECTC which has no eyecatcher' B_ECE EQU * DS 0H B_ECL EQU *-B_EC SPACE 2 *-Entry Housekeeping STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R12,R15 USING CSECTB,R12 LA R1,BRSA ST R1,8(,R13) ST R13,4(,R1) LR R13,R1 L R1,4(,R1) L R1,24(,R1) *- Call CSECTC L R15,=V(CSECTC) BALR R14,R15 *-Normally Exit housekeeping would be here LTORG , BRSA DS 18F DROP R12 *----------------------------------------------------------------- CSECTC CSECT , *-Show what happens if NO eyecatcher *-Entry Housekeeping STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R12,R15 USING CSECTC,R12 LA R1,CRSA ST R1,8(,R13) ST R13,4(,R1) LR R13,R1 L R1,4(,R1) L R1,24(,R1) *- Call CSECTD L R15,=V(CSECTD) BALR R14,R15 *-Normally Exit housekeeping would be here LTORG , CRSA DS 18F DROP R12 *----------------------------------------------------------------- CSECTD CSECT , * ** Standard O/S Eyecatcher * D_EC B D_ECL(0,R15) Branch past Eyecatcher DC AL1(D_ECE-D_ECV) Length of Eyecatcher D_ECV DC C'CSECTD - &SYSDATC &SYSTIME - ' DC C'We ABEND to show Save Area Trace' D_ECE EQU * DS 0H D_ECL EQU *-D_EC SPACE 2 *-Entry Housekeeping STM R14,R12,12(R13) LR R12,R15 USING CSECTD,R12 LA R1,DRSA ST R1,8(,R13) ST R13,4(,R1) LR R13,R1 L R1,4(,R1) L R1,24(,R1) *-ABEND so we can see the entries in the SYSUDUMP Save Area Trace DC A(0) Cause S0C1 ABEND *-Normally Exit housekeeping would be here LTORG , DRSA DS 18F DROP R12 END ,