SENDCC TITLE 'Send condition codes for job to TSO user, email, etc' * =================================================================== * * * Name: SENDCC * * Author: David Alcock :: * * Purpose: Send completion codes for each step to: * o The TSO user that submitted the job * o Written to //SYSPRINT * o Written to //SMTPNOTE (IBM's TCP/IP can email it!) * * This is very useful for batch assemble/compiles and links! * You don't have to go into SDSF to find out whether * you got a good condition code from the assembler or * the compiler and you want to execute the program * online. This is less important now that JES2 sends * the MAXCC back in the NOTIFY message (as seen in OS/390 * JES2 2.5 and higher). * * This program merely runs the SCTs (Step Control Tables) * for all previous steps and sends the condition code to * the destination of your choosing. * * ASIS, it is NOT SYSPLEX-friendly for the TPUT function. * I *think* there may be support in some OS/390 release * for the TPUT call to send a message to the system that * the TSO user is executing on. Authorization for this * is unknown to me at this time. @2000-09-26. * * Attributes: Non-reentrant, Non-Authorized * * Email notes: * o Only IBM's TCP/IP SMTP is supported by this technique. The * writer-name should match your SMTP task's setup. * o If you are having problems receiving an email from SENDCC, * write the SMTPNOTE file to SYSOUT and inspect. Is valid * SMTP (RFC822) being generated? * o See my page for more info on * generating MVS mail * o If IBM's SMTPNOTE rexx exec doesn't send mail to the expected * email address, SENDCC probably won't either. * o Before attempting to use the email function of of SENDCC, ensure * that you can do IEBGENER and SMTPNOTE email functions first. * * Sample JCL: * * //--jobcard here-- * //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 * //STEP2 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14,COND=ONLY * //STEP3 EXEC PGM=BOZO * //* * //** Echo step completion codes back to user who submitted job * //* * //COMPCODE EXEC PGM=SENDCC,COND=EVEN, * //*PARM='NOTPUT' * //*PARM='EMAIL=mvshost' * //*PARM='NOTPUT,EMAIL=mvshost' * // PARM='NOTPUT EMAIL=mvshost' * //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IBMUSER.DAVE.LOAD * //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* * //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* * //SMTPNOTE DD SYSOUT=(B,SMTP) <- Email written here * // * //SMTPNOTE DD SYSOUT=* <- Use for debugging * * Disclaimer: This program is FREEWARE. Use at your own risk. It * is provided for your enjoyment and neither David * Alcock or his employer provides any warranty for it's * use. I'd like to hear how it works on your system. * * This software is not in the public domain but is * available free of charge and with source code provided. * It is copyright 1996-2000 by David Alcock. All rights * reserved. * =================================================================== * SPACE 2 &DAVER SETC '1.1' *====================================================================== * * M o d i f i c a t i o n H i s t o r y * * Person Date VRM Description * ---------- ---------- --- ------------------------------------------- * DGAlcock 2000-09-25 1.1 Support for SWA above the line; Removed * dependance on my DA# macros; Added * writting to //SYSPRINT; Added EMAIL code; * DGAlcock 1996-06-05 1.0 Initial program started; It is based on * code/concepts from program COMPCODE from * the SHARE CD-ROM; Original author unknown; * *====================================================================== EJECT , * ** IBM DSECTs * PRINT NOGEN CVT DSECT=YES,LIST=NO MVS CVT IKJCPPL , Command Processor Parm List IEFJESCT , JES Communication Table IHAPSA , Prefix save area IKJTCB , Task Control Block IEZJSCB , Job Step Control Block IEFAJCTB , Job Control table IEFASCTB , Step Control table IHAASCB , Address Space Control Block IHAASSB , Address Space Secondary Block IAZJSAB , Job Schedular Addr Spc CB IEFZB505 LOCEPAX=YES EPA mapping for SWAREQ IEFQMIDS , Equates for SWA requests DCBD DSORG=PO,DEVD=DA Data Control Block YREGS , Equate registers PRINT GEN * ** Convert assembly date from format "YYYYMMDD" to "YYYY-MM-DD" * LCLC &ASMDATE &ASMDATE SETC '&SYSDATC'(1,4).'-'.'&SYSDATC'(5,2).'-'.'&SYSDATC'(7,2) EJECT *********************************************************************** *** ** Module start *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 SENDCC CSECT , SENDCC AMODE 31 SENDCC RMODE ANY * ** Standard O/S eyecatcher * CC_EC B CC_ECL(0,R15) Bump past EyeCatcher DC AL1(CC_ECE-CC_ECV) Length of eyecatcher CC_ECV DC C'SENDCC &ASMDATE &SYSTIME V&DAVER ' DC C'Send step condition codes to submitting userid, ' DC C'file, email, etc' CC_ECE EQU * DS 0H CC_ECL EQU *-CC_EC * ** Standard ESA entry housekeeping code * BAKR R14,0 Save registers LAE R12,0(R15,0) Get base register USING SENDCC,R12 Set module base * ** Obtain Dynamic Save Area * STORAGE OBTAIN,LENGTH=WORKDSL,LOC=BELOW Obtain storage LR R13,R1 Point to Save Area * LR R14,R13 To: Address LA R15,WORKDSL To: Length SLR R1,R1 From: Set length and pad MVCL R14,R0 Zero out area * MVC 4(4,R13),=C'F1SA' Indicate stack SA USING WORKDS,R13 Get addressibility to area * ** If the SYSPRINT file is allocated, open it * DEVTYPE =CL8'SYSPRINT',DOUBLE LTR R15,R15 BNZ I$SPRTX LA R3,SYSPRINT Locate DCB work area MVC 0(C_DCBOL,R3),C_DCBO MVC DCBDDNAM-IHADCB(8,R3),=CL8'SYSPRINT' MVC PARMLIST(C_LSTOL),C_LSTO OPEN ((3),(OUTPUT)),MF=(E,PARMLIST) OI FLAG1,$F1_SYSPRINT Say we are writing to file MVC X_PUTC(C_PUTCL),C_PUTC Move code in MVI RECOUT,C' ' MVC RECOUT+1(L'RECOUT-1),RECOUT I$SPRTX DS 0H * ** Initialize message area * MVI MSG,C' ' Get blank MVC MSG+1(MSGL-1),MSG Propagate it across MVC MSG_JOB(3),=C'JOB' MVC MSG_PGMS+1(4),=C'PGM=' MVC MSG_END+1(5),=C'Ended' * ** Locate job-level information and put into message * L R4,PSAAOLD-PSA -> ASCB L R4,ASCBASSB-ASCB(,R4) -> ASSB L R4,ASSBJSAB-ASSB(,R4) -> JSAB MVC TPUT_USERID(8),JSABUSID-JSAB(R4) Save userid LA R15,MSG_JOBAREA Locate "jobname(jobid)" area MVC 0(L'JSABJBNM,R15),JSABJBNM-JSAB(R4) Get jobname LA R0,L'JSABJBNM Get max length of jobname BAS R14,LOCATE_FIRST_SPACE Locate first space MVI 0(R15),C'(' JOBID prefix MVC 1(L'JSABJBID,R15),JSABJBID-JSAB(R4) Get jobID MVI 1+L'JSABJBID(R15),C')' JOBID suffix EJECT , *********************************************************************** *** ** Process the input parms *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 Process_Parameter ds 0h EREG R1,R1 Restore R1 on entry TM CPPLCBUF-CPPL(R1),X'80' Was this command called? BNO PP$NC No, need to look at CBUF * ** We were called, it has a Batch type (EXEC) parameter * L R2,0(R1) Get address of parm SLR R3,R3 Clear register ICM R3,B'0011',0(R2) Get length of parm BZ PP$X None, leave LA R2,2(R2) Bump past parm length HW B PP$PARSE Parse the input * ** We were not called, it is a "Command Processor" * PP$NC DS 0H L R2,CPPLCBUF-CPPL(R1) Locate Command Buffer SLR R3,R3 Clear register ICM R3,B'0011',0(R2) Get total CBUF length SLR R0,R0 Clear register ICM R0,B'0011',2(R2) Get total Command name length LA R15,4 Length of header AR R2,R15 Bump past header SR R3,R15 Decrement for header length AR R2,R0 Bump past Command length SR R3,R0 Length of data * ** Look thru command buffer/parameter for our commands ** Input: R2 - Address of command-buffer/Parameter ** R3 - Length of command-buffer/Parameter * PP$PARSE DS 0H LTR R3,R3 Check out length BZ PP$X Length = Zero: Leave BM PP$X Length < Zero: Leave * ** I'm doing really **** poor parsing here. Here is the limited ** syntax that is supported: ** ** PARM='NOTPUT' ** PARM='EMAIL=mvshost' ** PARM='NOTPUT,EMAIL=mvshost' ** PARM='NOTPUT EMAIL=mvshost' ** ** Where "mvshost" is really 8 characters * CH R3,=H'6' BL PP$X CLC 0(6,R2),=C'NOTPUT' BNE PP$TPUTX OI FLAG1,$F1_NOTPUT LA R2,6(R2) SH R3,=H'6' LTR R3,R3 BZ PP$X LA R2,1(R2) Skip over blank or comma BCTR R3,0 LTR R3,R3 BZ PP$X PP$TPUTX DS 0H * CH R3,=H'7' "EMAIL=a" at least? BL PP$EMAILX CLC 0(6,R2),=C'EMAIL=' BNE PP$EMAILX OI FLAG1,$F1_EMAIL LA R2,6(R2) SH R3,=H'7' Length of EMAIL= plus 1 4ex *-Here we could do some fancy parsing but let's just take 8 for mvshost *-and the rest for the userid LA R4,9(R2) LR R5,R3 SH R5,=H'9' LTR R5,R5 BZ PP$EMAILE * BCTR R5,0 Decrement for EX *-At this point R4 has the email address and R5 has it's length *-and needless to say, R2 points to a CL8'mvshost' B PP$EMAILX PP$EMAILE DS 0H WTO 'SENDCC - No email address was found, sorry' NI FLAG1,255-$F1_EMAIL PP$EMAILX DS 0H * PP$X DS 0H EJECT *********************************************************************** *** ** Initialization for smtp (email) *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 Initialize_Email ds 0h TM FLAG1,$F1_EMAIL Was parm coded? BNO IE$X * ** Here we open SMTPNOTE (if allocated) * DEVTYPE =CL8'SMTPNOTE',DOUBLE Get allocation info LTR R15,R15 Is //SMTPNOTE there? BNZ IE$NFILE Nope, gripe about it LA R3,SMTPNOTE Locate DCB work area MVC 0(C_DCBOL,R3),C_DCBO MVC DCBDDNAM-IHADCB(8,R3),=CL8'SMTPNOTE' MVC PARMLIST(C_LSTOL),C_LSTO OPEN ((3),(OUTPUT)),MF=(E,PARMLIST) TM FLAG1,$F1_SYSPRINT Already initialized? BO IE$IFX Yes, continue MVC X_PUTC(C_PUTCL),C_PUTC Move code in MVI RECOUT,C' ' MVC RECOUT+1(L'RECOUT-1),RECOUT IE$IFX DS 0H * ** Write records * *-helo mvshost BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(4,R15),=C'helo' LA R15,5(R15) MVC 0(8,R15),0(R2) Get MVS host BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-mail from: BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(11,R15),=C'mail from:<' LA R15,11(R15) EX R5,IE$MADDR LA R15,1(R5,R15) MVI 0(R15),C'>' BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-rcpt to: BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(9,R15),=C'rcpt to:<' LA R15,9(R15) EX R5,IE$MADDR LA R15,1(R5,R15) MVI 0(R15),C'>' BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-data BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(4,R15),=C'data' BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-From: BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(5,R15),=C'From:' LA R15,10(R15) EX R5,IE$MADDR BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-To: BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(3,R15),=C'To:' LA R15,10(R15) EX R5,IE$MADDR BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-Subject: Condition codes from job jobname(jobid) BAS R14,IE$IMSG MVC 0(8,R15),=C'Subject:' LA R15,10(R15) MVC 0(24,R15),=C'Condition codes from job' LA R15,25(R15) MVC 0(L'MSG_JOBAREA,R15),MSG_JOBAREA BAS R14,IE$PMSG *-blank line here BAS R14,IE$IMSG BAS R14,IE$PMSG B IE$X IE$MADDR MVC 0(0,R15),0(R4) * ** Initialize SMTP message * IE$IMSG DS 0H LA R15,SMTPMSG MVI 0(R15),C' ' MVC 1(L'SMTPMSG-1,R15),0(R15) BSM 0,R14 * ** Print SMTP message to //SMTPNOTE file * IE$PMSG DS 0H ST R14,DOUBLE * LA R1,SMTPNOTE Locate DCB LA R0,SMTPMSG Locate record LA R15,X_PUTC Locate routine BASSM R9,R15 Call the routine * L R14,DOUBLE BSM 0,R14 * ** Error: EMAIL parm found but DD=SMTPNOTE not allocated * IE$NFILE DS 0H WTO 'SENDCC - Error: PARM EMAIL= coded but no //SMTPNOTE' NI FLAG1,255-$F1_EMAIL Turn off flag * ** Common exit from Initialize_Email * IE$X DS 0h EJECT *********************************************************************** *** *** ** Process SCTs (Step Control Table entries) ** *** *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 PROCESS_SCTS EQU * * ** Locate First Step Control Table * L R4,PSATOLD-PSA -> TCB L R4,TCBJSCB-TCB(,R4) -> Job Step Control Block L R4,JSCBACT-IEZJSCB(,R4) -> Active JSCB SLR R15,R15 ICM R15,B'0111',JSCBJCTA-IEZJSCB(R4) -> JCT LA R0,SWJCTID Obtain: Set ID BAS R9,Obtain_SWA_CB Obtain: justdoit LTR R15,R15 Obtain: Did it work? BZ PS$Error Obtain: Nope... LR R4,R15 Save control block SLR R15,R15 ICM R15,B'0111',JCTSDKAD-INJMJCT(R4) -> SCT LA R0,SWSCTID Obtain: Set ID BAS R9,Obtain_SWA_CB Obtain: justdoit LTR R15,R15 Obtain: Did it work? BZ PS$Error Obtain: Nope... LR R4,R15 Save control block * ** Loop thru SCT entries * PS$L EQU * TM SCTSTEND-INSMSCT(R4),SCTSTPND Executed or flush? * BNO PS$LX No, at end of table BNO PS$LB No, skip it *-Note: we could do a fancy lookup via the TCB chain to see if this *-is really us but why bother? CLC SCTPGMNM-INSMSCT(8,R4),=CL8'SENDCC' Is this US? BE PS$LB Yes, skip it MVC MSG_PGM(8),SCTPGMNM-INSMSCT(R4) * ** Get procstep (if any) and stepname into message * MVI MSG_STEPAREA,C' ' Get blank MVC MSG_STEPAREA+1(L'MSG_STEPAREA-1),MSG_STEPAREA * LA R15,MSG_STEPAREA Locate stepname area MVC 0(L'SCTSNAME,R15),SCTSNAME-INSMSCT(R4) Get stepname LA R0,L'SCTSNAME BAS R14,LOCATE_FIRST_SPACE Locate first space PS$SNX EQU * CLI SCTSCLPC-INSMSCT(R4),C' ' Procstep there? BE PS$PSX Yep, need both MVI 0(R15),C'.' MVC 1(8,R15),SCTSCLPC-INSMSCT(R4) PS$PSX EQU * * ** Format completion code * MVC MSG_CC(5),=CL5'N/A' Set default condition code TM SCTSTEND-INSMSCT(R4),SCTSTSRT Did step start? BO FCC$FX Yes, continue MVC MSG_CC(5),=C'Flush' Set field B FCC$X Leave FCC$FX EQU * * SLR R0,R0 ICM R0,B'0011',SCTSEXEC-INSMSCT(R4) Get Condition code * TM SCTABCND-INSMSCT(R4),SCTABEND Did Step abend? BO FCC$ABND Yes, print ABEND code N R0,=A(X'FFF') Zero unused portion CVD R0,DOUBLE Convert condcode to Packed MVC MSG_CC-2(6),=X'40,21,20,20,20,20' ED MSG_CC-2(6),DOUBLE+5 MVI MSG_END+5,C'd' ensure it's okay B FCC$X Leave FCC$ABND EQU * *-Back in 1996, I put the next couple of statements in. I don't know *-why. Research needed here. MVC MSG_CC(5),=C'ABEND' AGO .ABENDX - Abend not in SCT but maxcc in JCT!!! TM SCTSEXEC-INSMSCT(R4),X'80' User ABEND? BNO FCC$SAB No, System ABEND * N R0,=A(X'FFF') Turn off unneeded bits CVD R0,DOUBLE Convert to packed decimal MVC MSG_CC-1(L'MSG_CC+1),=X'40,21,20,20,20,20' ED MSG_CC-1(L'MSG_CC+1),DOUBLE+5 MVI MSG_CC,C'U' Make it a user ABEND B FCC$X Leave * FCC$SAB EQU * STH R0,DOUBLE Save system ABEND code UNPK MSG_CC+1(4),DOUBLE(3) MVZ MSG_CC+1(3),=X'00,00,00' TR MSG_CC+1(3),=C'0123456789ABCDEF' MVI MSG_CC+4,C' ' Fix overflow MVI MSG_CC,C'S' Make it a system ABEND .ABENDX ANOP , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FCC$X EQU * * ** Issue message via TPUT to issuing user * TM FLAG1,$F1_NOTPUT Need to TPUT message? BO PS$TPUTX No, continue TPUT MSG,MSGL,USERIDL=TPUT_USERID Send message to userid PS$TPUTX DS 0H * ** Print record on SYSPRINT if file is open * TM FLAG1,$F1_SYSPRINT Writing to //SYSPRINT? BNO PS$SPRTX No, continue LA R1,SYSPRINT Locate DCB LA R0,RECOUT Locate record LA R15,X_PUTC Locate routine BASSM R9,R15 Call the routine PS$SPRTX DS 0H * ** Print record on SMTPNOTE if option is on * TM FLAG1,$F1_EMAIL Doing Email? BNO PS$EMAILX No, continue LA R1,SMTPNOTE Locate DCB LA R0,RECOUT Locate record LA R15,X_PUTC Locate routine BASSM R9,R15 Call the routine PS$EMAILX DS 0H * ** Bump to next SCT (if any) * PS$LB DS 0H SLR R15,R15 ICM R15,B'0111',SCTANSCT-INSMSCT(R4) Locate next one BZ Exit No more steps LA R0,SWSCTID Obtain: Set ID BAS R9,Obtain_SWA_CB Obtain: justdoit LTR R15,R15 Obtain: Did it work? BZ PS$Error Obtain: Nope... LR R4,R15 Save control block B PS$L More more time... PS$LX EQU * B Exit PS$Error DS 0h WTO 'SENDCC had error locating SWA control block' TM FLAG1,$F1_SYSPRINT Writing to //SYSPRINT? BNO Exit No, continue *-Low rent way of putting error message to //sysprint - not ideal *-It would be better to put some diagnostic info on what happened... MVC RECOUT(80),=CL80'SENDCC had error locating SWA CB' LA R1,SYSPRINT Locate DCB LA R0,RECOUT Locate record LA R15,X_PUTC Locate routine BASSM R9,R15 Call the routine EJECT *********************************************************************** *** ** Module termination *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 Exit DS 0H *-Close SYSPRINT file if open LA R3,SYSPRINT TM DCBOFLGS-IHADCB(R3),DCBOFOPN Is it OPEN? BNO X$SPRTX No, ignore it MVC PARMLIST(C_CLOSEL),C_CLOSE CLOSE ((3)),MF=(E,PARMLIST) Close it FREEPOOL (3) X$SPRTX DS 0H *-Close SMTPNOTE file if open LA R3,SMTPNOTE TM DCBOFLGS-IHADCB(R3),DCBOFOPN Is it OPEN? BNO X$SMTPX No, ignore it MVC PARMLIST(C_CLOSEL),C_CLOSE CLOSE ((3)),MF=(E,PARMLIST) Close it FREEPOOL (3) X$SMTPX DS 0H *-Free Storage for DSA LR R2,R13 Get storage address STORAGE RELEASE,LENGTH=WORKDSL,ADDR=(R2) Release storage SLR R15,R15 Set return code *-Return to caller PR , Return to caller EJECT *********************************************************************** *** *** ** Misc internal subroutines ** *** *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 * ** Point Register 15 to the first blank in a string ** Input: R0 - Maximum length of the string ** R15 - String ** Output: R15 - First space in the string * LOCATE_FIRST_SPACE EQU * CLI 0(R15),C' ' Blank? BE LFS$X Yes, leave LA R15,1(R15) No, bump to next byte BCT R0,LOCATE_FIRST_SPACE ..Repeat LFS$X EQU * BSM 0,R14 Return to caller * ** Obtain SWA control block ** ** Input: R15 has SWA Token/address ** R0 has control block ID ** ** Output: R15 has control block address or zero * Obtain_SWA_CB DS 0H LA R1,X_SWAREQ Locate start of EPA ST R1,DOUBLE Save address XC 0(L'SWAEPAX,R1),0(R1) Clear area to zeros STCM R15,B'0111',SWVA-ZB505(R1) Save control block location STC R0,SWBLKID-ZB505(R1) Save control block ID MVC X_SWAEPAX(C_SWAREQL),C_SWAREQ Initialize parmlist SWAREQ FCODE=RL, Locate Control block @ EPA=DOUBLE, ..EPA pointer @ UNAUTH=YES, ..Unauthorized acess @ MF=(E,X_SWAEPAX) ..Execute from here LTR R15,R15 Successful? BNZ OSC$SWAE No, branch to error LA R1,X_SWAREQ Locate start of EPA L R15,SWBLKPTR-ZB505(R1) Locate the control Block B OSC$X Return to caller * C_SWAREQ SWAREQ FCODE=RL,EPA=*-*,MF=L C_SWAREQL EQU *-C_SWAREQ * OSC$SWAE DS 0H SLR R15,R15 Indicate CB not obtained OSC$X DS 0H BSM 0,R9 Return to caller EJECT *********************************************************************** *** ** Constants and end of module *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 LTORG , * ** PUT QSAM code * C_PUTC DS 0H PUT (1),(0) BSM 0,R9 C_PUTCL EQU *-C_PUTC * ** I/O constants * C_CLOSE CLOSE (*-*),MF=L C_CLOSEL EQU *-C_CLOSE * C_LSTO OPEN (*-*,(OUTPUT)),MF=L C_LSTOL EQU *-C_LSTO C_DCBO DCB DDNAME=C_DCBO, @ DSORG=PS,MACRF=PM,LRECL=80 C_DCBOL EQU *-C_DCBO DS 0D SENDCC_Length EQU *-SENDCC EJECT *********************************************************************** *** *** ** GETMAINed work area ** *** *** *********************************************************************** SPACE 2 WORKDS DSECT , DS 18F Register Save Area DOUBLE DS D Double word DOUBLE2 DS 2D Double word * 2 PARMLIST DS 10F X_PUTC DS XL(C_PUTCL) X_SWAREQ DS XL(C_SWAREQL) X_SWAEPAX DS XL(L'SWAEPAX) DS 0D SYSPRINT DS XL(C_DCBOL) SYSPRINT DCB SMTPNOTE DS XL(C_DCBOL) SMTPNOTE DCB * SMTPMSG DS CL80 RECOUT DS CL80 ORG RECOUT MSG EQU * DS C' ' MSG_JOB DS C'JOB ' MSG_JOBAREA DS C'jobname (JOB01234)' DS C' ' MSG_STEPAREA DS C'procstep.stepname' MSG_END DS C' Ended ' MSG_CC DS CL5' ' MSG_PGMS DS C' PGM=' MSG_PGM DS CL8'program ' MSGL EQU *-MSG ORG , * TPUT_USERID DS CL8' ' FLAG1 DS B'00000000' Flag $F1_NOTPUT EQU B'10000000' ..Don't issue TPUT $F1_SYSPRINT EQU B'01000000' ..Writing to //SYSPRINT $F1_EMAIL EQU B'00100000' ..Generating email? * DS 0D Make GETMAIN/FREEMAIN Happy WORKDSL EQU *-WORKDS END ,