This sample job: - Creates an output GIF library large enough for a SAS-generated GIF file - Invokes SAS to create a GIF file of the state of TEXAS using a transparent background To use: - Change "ibmuser" to your userid // job card here //*-------> JCLLIB ORDER=(SAS609.TS450.PROCLIB) //* //** Create a new library for the SAS GIF file //* //DELIT EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DELETE 'ibmuser.SPFTEMP1.GIF' //* //** Create a new library for the SAS GIF file //* //NEWONE EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSUT2 DD DSN=ibmuser.SPFTEMP1.GIF, // DISP=(,CATLG),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB=(LRECL=32756,BLKSIZE=32760,RECFM=VB), // SPACE=(CYL,(1,1,8)) //* //** Invoke SAS to write out a GIF file of the Map of Texas //* // EXEC SAS609 //MAPS DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SAS.MAPS //SYSIN DD * /* | Ensure we have a transparent gif device around */ libname gdevice0 ''; proc gdevice catalog=gdevice0.devices nofs; copy gif from=sashelp.devices newname=giftrans; mod giftrans ucc='01'x description='GIF with Transparency'; list giftrans; end; /* | The IMGSIZE macro lets you modify the size of the image area | in pixel units. | | Notes: | 1. The dots per inch value (dpi) should be the same as | that used by the driver (dpi=xpixels/xmax). | | 2. The maximum width and height values specified as | parameters should not exceed the xmax and ymax values | of the device used. The default values used below | are arbitrary. */ %macro IMGSIZE(w=1280, h=1024, dpi=95, rows=43, cols=83); %if &dpi<=0 %then %put DPI must be greater than zero.; %else %do; goptions hsize=%sysevalf(&w/&dpi)in vsize=%sysevalf(&h/&dpi)in hpos=&cols vpos=&rows; %end; %mend IMGSIZE; filename out 'ibmuser.spftemp1.gif(texast)'; goptions dev=giftrans gsfname=out gsfmode=replace; %imgsize(w=300, h=200, dpi=95, rows=30, cols=50); data loc; input st $ 1-2 loc; state=stfips(st); cards; TX 40 ; data refiv; set maps.states; if state=stfips('TX'); proc gproject data=refiv out=refiv; id state; proc gmap data=loc map =refiv; choro loc/levels=4; id state; pattern1 v=mempty c=green; title .h=2 .c=blue .f=complex T E X A S; footnote .h=2 .c=red .f=simplex The Lone Star State; /* //* //* //* At this point 'ibmuser.spftemp1.gif(texast)' has a GIF file //* generated by SAS that is ready for download to a PC.